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The hardest part about trying to be Full time ( For me ).

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: The hardest part about trying to be Full time ( For me ).

It seems like the hardest part of trying to live full time while on hormones is my dreaded voice.

I get compliments all the time about being cute, or pretty, beautiful even but thats with my mouth closed.

It doesn't matter how good I may look, if I sound ugly.

I just dont know what to do, I want to get vocal surgery in Korea from the Yeson voice center but I'm only 18, I can't afford that, I can barely afford paying for my hormones.

I have a pretty deep voice, which sucks. It sounds good for a guy, great for radio even but I can't do anything with it as far as living as a female.
I've been practicing and trying, different ranges from my normal voice's higher pitch range ( which is VERY limited ) to my falsetto's low ranges . I've had good results from both but the best seems like from my Falsetto's low range..
The issue is like.. I can't hold it. I don't know what to do. If I don't get a good job anytime soon I may be stuck like this for a while and I'd like to be able to be full time because I'd like to be able to date, and actually go out with whoever I'm dating. I know alot of open minded men who wouldn't mind dating a TG, even a pre-op TG but not if I can't be introduced to any friends or be taken out to eat without terrible behavior due to voice...

I guess what I'm asking for input on is like..How do others do it?
How did you develop your voice? How do you maintain it? What are some good excersizes to help strengthen all ranges of your voice and better control it, because even in the good area I've manage to obtain there are times where it cracks and makes a really ugly or low sound and it's not attractive at all, lol.

Any help or input would be appreciated.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi Jeraxari, my name is Britney. I am by no means a voice expert, but I have taken some classes in college and thought I could share a concept with you. Speaking outside of your natural register or range for long periods of time can be harmful for your voice, and that can be a potential cause of the cracks. I think a new idea maybe you could try is to focus on sustaining the quality and texture of your voice, rather than your pitch. I feel if you make a few minor adjustments by softening the texture of your voice, and creating a delicate rise and fall to your sentences, then you may have healthier, longer lasting results. Hope this helps

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December 12, 2011
Posts: 6

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`I agree with can also take voice lessons, which can teach you to relax your throat while you pitch your voice higher. I was a singer for many years, and before I transitioned, I sang countertenor, which requires you to use your head voice (above your break) but, using your chest resonance, which gives your voice a fuller sound. I would find a voice teacher who teaches technique to countertenors.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Thanks guys.
I don't know, it's like I found a nice balance between a falsetto range "high pitch" that I lowered. It sounds pretty good I think, the only issue is sustaining it, and certain words because I was told adding a feathery sound helps make it sound better but more natural..But not like a phone S-- operator. Practicing it more makes me able to do it more naturally , however I still can't hold it long ,I thought maybe if I practice more i'll be able to pronounce more words and talk more naturally using this voice (And more often) I found, but I don't want to damage my voice.
I'm at a loss.
Why does everything cost money =[

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April 2, 2009
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`Hi sweetie. I am sorry you are having a difficult time with your voice. What I do to sustain my voice is hum to myself when I am alone, it keeps the vocal chords warmed up and relaxed. I still have a low voice but it is not as low as it used to be. Stil have trouble on the phone. It just takes a lot of practise everyday. Make sure you eat right, get good exercise and plenty of sleep. Staying hydrated helps too.


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April 7, 2012
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`I heard that talking above the Adam's apple is one way of training your voice to sound more convincing and by talking with a softer style seems to help. Be aware that first thing in the morning, just after you wake up, your vocal cords are relaxed and your natural voice is there. Try going to a singing coach, who might be able to help you to train your voice in a more natural pitch and cadence. Hope that you have some luck in achieving what you want Love Stacie.

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April 3, 2012
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`I agree about the singing coach or you can find vocal coaches online too probably for cheaper!

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former member default image - bird flying away


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: hi girl,,,

i understand that u can't afford any surgeries and you are having a hard time to buy hormones,well,i get my hormones from thailand,and its cheap,all of the surgeries for a transgender in thailand is really cheap,vocal chords surgery is only ranging from 300-500 dollars in thailand,you can also check alot of centers there that performs that kind of surgery,and i assure you that is affordable,but anyways,,i have no masculine voice actualy,its because when i was a child,i used to compete in singing contest,and my voice is high,and i was a member of the choir in school back in grade school and high school,and in church,so it means that my vocal chords are stretched,,i think there is no formula in having a feminine voice naturaly unless you will undergo a surgery,

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March 26, 2013
Posts: 16

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`I sing Mariah carey, Whitney, and Madonna songs to practice my voice to be more feminine. It seems to be working well.

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